Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 3

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Benj blogs: Jhed's tag

Name ten (10) of life's simple pleasures that you like the most, then pick ten (10) people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.

1. Tool - The best band in the world. Calling them merely a band actually makes me feel guilty.

2. Dallas Mavericks - I've been following them since they beat my old (and first) NBA Team - the Utah Jazz. Yeah, I know they lost. Don't start.

3. Sleeping - I love to sleep. I can sleep for 16 hours straight.

4. Meat - Red meat to be exact. I don't eat veggies.

5. Discovery Channel - I enjoy watching anything informative as long as it's not just a boring old nature show. Discov shows that aim to extrapolate the future are always nice.

6. Basketball - I love to watch, but nothing beats playing. I know I don't look like the prototypical player, but you'll be surprised. come watch me play.

7. Songwriting - Nothing's quite similar to bringing an abstract thought in your mind and making it manifest in the real world as music. casual music fans who go about hee-hawing on who's more popular, sells more records etc. are too idiotic to realize that.

8. Talking - I can talk about anything - ok, make that just about anything.

9. Not drinking and NOT smoking - I take pride in the fact that I neither drink nor smoke.

10. Logic - It's one of the easiest things to apply, yet 99% of people don't know how it works.


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