Ron blogs: It gets crappier because of...
Here I go again with my ever popular rants!!
Would you agree that the SOLE reason why a company gets crappier is because of the MANAGEMENT?? Very true isn't it? How could the guys up in that throne mess up with the lives of those under them? They profess a very impressive act that they are at the point of risking their jobs for the sake of the others. They make us all believe that they are advocates of an Inverted-Pyramid policy. Now what does that mean to us? Well it's like making a prey take advantage of a predator.. Harhar.. Such an unfathomable idea! They want us to perceive them to be our greatest hope where in fact they truly suck in managing us. They are just conceited, idealistic and sometimes despicable(holy cow)..
I know that sometimes I tend to make an overstatement and that these are certainly debatable but just In My Most Humble Opinion, this is where we should stand! ;)
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