The Anime' Lass ng Pandacan is the 3rd Evictee Kashen received a total of +12 evicting points from her 6 co-VHs in the 3rd Nomination. Benj (+4) and Jinelle (+2) were the two other VHs who received evicting points. Gee got a total of -9 points, 3 points were from her co-VHs and -6 points were rewards.
Summary of points:
ANN -1 -1 (-1) (-2) = -5
BENJ +2 +2 (-2) (-2) = 0
CHARLES -1 (-2) (-2) (-2) [+2] = -5
GEE -1 -1 -1 (-2) (-2) (-2) = -9
EMJHEIY [+2] = +2
JAMILA -1 (-2) = -3
JINELLE -1 + 2 [+2] [+2] = +5
KASHEN +2 + 2 +2 +2 +2 +2 = +12
MACKY -1 [+2] [+2] = +3
REX (-2) = -2
RON (-2) (-2) = -4
Note: points in parentesis are rewards, points in brackets are penalites
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