The Very Good Friend to Lean On ng Malabon is the 4th Evictee The 30 penalty points received by Ben, the 30-year-old replacement VH, for late submission of bets cost his chance to stay longer inside the vhouse.
Emjheiy and Jinelle, the 2 other VHs penalized for the late submission of bets chose to use their Immunity. All points they received were cancelled out.
Jamila got the second highest net points with +18, +10 points of which were penalty points while the remaining +8 points were evicting points.
Charles and Ron's ballots were invalidated for some violation of the Nomination rules. Benj, the Maverick of Manila, did not participate in the Nomination. He received +5 penalty points.
"Mike Escoto": Jamila - Benj
"YUMMY GRILLZ": Jamila - Benj
"COMPASS": Jamila - Benj
"Eliteguy": Jamila - Benj
"Kumot": Emjheiy - Benj
"TINTIN": Jinelle - Benj
"ALEX TRIBECK": Ron -Emjheiy
BENJ - +5 penalty points
CHARLES - ballot was invalidated
RON - ballot was invalidated
Penalty points:
Ann +8 points
Ben +30 points
Benj +5 points
Charles +5 points
Emjheiy +30 points
Gee +4 points
Jamila +10 points
Jinelle +30 points
Rex +10 points
Ron +10 points
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