Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 3

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Checker Game

Six remaining VH play Checker Game to avoid +2 irreversable evicting points (cannot be reversed by saving votes or Immunity) for the first player out in the game and -2 irreversable saving points (cannot be reversed by evicting votes) for the winner or the player who has the last move.

Checker board has 61 grey and 6 colored tiles. Each VHs has pre-assigned color: Red is for Ann, blue for Benj, green for charles, yellow for Gee, orange for Rex and black for Ron. Colored tiles are at least 5 or 6 gray tiles apart.


1. VHs will select one (1) grey tile which is connected to his/her "last marked" tiles. Once no more tile is available for a VH, he/she is out.

2. First player to post in this thread (venue for this Checker Game) gets the first move and will be followed by VH whose name is next to him/her alphabetically. For instance, Benj got the first move, Charles will follow, then Gee and so on and so forth).

3. A VH must make his/her move within 6 hours or he/she loses his/her chance to finish the game. He/she must post his/her move in this thread. For intance, Ann should reply "DOWN-LEFT" if she want to move to that tile or "DOWN-RIGHT" if she wants to move to that tile.

4. No VHs can post in the game's thread if it is not his/her turn yet or if he/she is out.

5. No VH can change his/her move by editing his/her post.

6. VHs have until Saturday 12MN to finish the game.

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