Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 3

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Charles blogs: Priorities

They say that planning one’s life is setting priorities straight. Correct!

I dont know why I was so out of it these past weeks. Last night, I stayed up until midnight, making lesson plans, and just this morning, I woke up at 7 am to finish my visual aids, and I actually ran into my classroom, having just beaten the bell. Its just setting my short term priorities.

I am constantly telling everyone my goal, finish my bachelor studies, take up masters degree immediately, go to other country, have my own family, take up doctoral degree(s), set up a University! But all that belongs to my Long Term Priorities.

But for now, I need to set short term priorities, like making and submitting my requirements on time, study for the lessons, and sleep on time. Why do I keep missing these, you ask? Man, I am hooked with community forums, like ABS-CBN forums, pex and PT, and of course, watching television shows! But now’s definitely wrong time to get hooked, when the list of need-to-do is getting longer and longer!

Just one thing made me extremely happy this week, its receiving an excellent mark in my observation class. Just yesterday, Wednesday, my college supervisor paid me a surprise visit, luckily I am always ready, visuals and lessons, but its all based on my talent to teach. As I say to my classmates, its all in passion and, well, priorities.


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