Pinoy BigBrother Fantasy Game Season 3

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Game as I saw it -Benj

Let's see how this pans out.

I think it's obvious by now that the triumvirate got through easy. I think we were never in any real danger. Rex had a scare, though.

Frankly, Im surprised at the level of integrity of the people in the game. It's not really "integrity" since I wouldnt have seen them as inferior people had they voted me out, but considering the strategic aspect of the game that just shouted the need to vote me out, it's such a surprise to survive the final eviction process. Funny as hell. How did that happen?

I thank those people. But at the same time, Im quite perplexed.

Charles - I have no idea how to rate his game. Much of his maneuverings have either been a) done in a very covert manner of b) non-existent. Charles pretty much did what Gee and I did - stick to a solid bloc and ride it out until the end. It worked. Now what?

Rex - Again, I didnt see his game. He seems like a major freelancer to me who made it through the game without a solid ally. It's very commendable and Im sure he wouldve been an interesting player had there been better competitiveness from the people here.

Gee - Gee is the overwhelming favorite. Im really bent on thinking that there's only one person in the Big 4 who has a realistic chance of beating her - and that's a very LONG shot. It ultimately depends on how the winner will be determined.

Benj - I came into this WANTING to play tough and rough. It was largely unnecessary and I cruised to the final 4 even with a giant target on my back, thanks in part to a bungled use of the immunity option. The players I played with were too decent to vote me out. It's amazing considering I wasn't even making my presence felt in the game. I guess I gained a lot of cred early into the game.

I tried to play a political game and a lot of people were actually put off when I tried to play sides and already build alliances early into the game. I remember trying to convince Cathe that we were going all the way to the final the first time we talked. hehe. I talked to Charles and Gee on the prospect of not getting booted first and having bets off once we reached the final 5.

If it's a "public" vote, it's quite clear that its going to be Gee vs Charles all the way.

If it's an ex-VH vote, it's going to be Gee by a landslide and myself dead last.

If it's a Big 4 vote off, I see it becoming a lot closer with Gee still pulling it out.


To sum it all up, I guess this wouldve been the Final 4 that people wouldve predicted from Day 1. I knew my alliance would hold through all the evictions given the inactivity of the other players. It was well executed. I guess I deserve some credit. Wehehe.

Good luck everyone. Let's see what happens.


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